Cemu Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Black Screen Patch Installed
====================================================================================================== PLEASE DON'T TOUCH/MOVE FILES UNDER ./LOGS ESPECIALLY HOST_*.LOG BECAUSE THESE FILES ARE USED TO SAVED BATCHFW'S SETTINGS FOR EACH HOST USED IF YOU ENCOUNTER ANY ISSUE, TRY RESET BATCH FW TO FACTORY SETTINGS USING "WII-U GAMES\BATCHFW\RESET BATCHFW.LNK" Once mlc01 data are moved to game's folder. BatchFw "only" prepare CEMU's workspace. Issues that could be affected to BatchFw are : - online files are missing - saves/games stats not found/saved - settings missing/not saved - GFX packs are missing - no cache found (transferable or GLCache) Other issues should be related to CEMU itself. IF YOU ENCOUNTER ANY ISSUE WITH CEMU : 1) if settings for this version were IMPORTED from another one, try to delete your settings using the dedicated shortcut "wii-u games\cemu\cemu_x.y.z\delete all my cemu_x.y.z's settings.lnk" 2) refuse the import the next run to use the factory settings from this version 3) DISABLE ALL GFX PACKS and check if the issue persist 4) DO NOT REPORT BUGS TO CEMU TEAM (discord or subreddit), CONTACT ME FIRST ====================================================================================================== 08/09/2021 V23-1 : add : fix CEMU 1.25.3 support add : update WiiuFtpServer to V6 in .\resources\WiiuSDcard.rar fix : only one concurent transfert when FTP to Wii-U (injectGamesToWiiu.bat, dumpGamesFromWiiu.bat) fix : BFW version not updated in main log 03/09/2021 V23-1 : add : complete comments for WiiuFtpServer when NAND acces is requiered add : update WiiuFtpServer to V5-2 in .\resources\WiiuSDcard.rar 01/09/2021 V23 : add : update WiiuFtpServer to V5 in .\resources\WiiuSDcard.rar add : comments for WiiuFtpServer when NAND acces is requiered add : support for CEMU v1.25.3 and up (read the version from the executable (log.txt is not created anymore if no game is launched) 06/08/2021 V22-9 : add : update WiiuFtpServer to V4-4 in .\resources\WiiuSDcard.rar (hotfix) fix : shortcut or exe creation failed when not using setup.bat 03/08/2021 V22-8 : add : cemuhook_1251_0574 install and disable shareFonts install for versions >= 1.25.1 28/07/2021 V22-7 : add : replace FTPiiU by WiiuFtpServer V4-3 in WiiuSDcard.rar and code add : support new transferable shaders cache (CEMU v1.25) and vulkanPermanentCacheFile fix : BacthFw's version not shown in log file fix : remove unwanted traces in std_out of wizardFirstSaving.bat and createCapGraphicPacks.bat 07/04/2021 V22-6 : add : a check on environnement to avoid system with Linux tools in DOS environnement fix : modify the check on VBS script launch permission fix : regression on graphic pack completion (deactivated by mistake) 18/03/2021 V22-5 : add : maximized windows for Export/Import scripts fix : FPS CAP GFX packs not shown in CEMU 1.22.8 (remove parenthesis in description) 15/03/2021 V22-4 : add : WII-U / check (regExp) on accounts add : WII-U / posibility to select all games in ExportSavesToWiiu.bat and importWiiuSaves.bat add : change Wii-U scrits icons fix : restoreUserSavesOfAllGames.bat.bat do not ask for account if WiiU ones exists fix : WII-U / exportSavesToWiiu.bat : in SYNCR mode if an active slot exists, use it instead of CEMU default save fix : WII-U / remove shutdown option in import/export saves fix : WII-U / Transfert message in ExportSavesToWiiu.bat fix : feadback from Cemu2Wii-U The FTP server has an issue : it can't handle files timestamps (dates). I've tried using WinSCP and FileZilla, same date = 01/01/1970 Injecting "simple" saves (such as "Fast Racing Neo" one) will work but for some games (BOTW, WWHD, MK8...) saves will be invalidated by the Wii-U because of incoherents timestamps (dates) on files. Leading in starting a new save or hanging on the splash screen (MK8) The workaround consists in forcing the timestamp to 0 (=01/01/200) : files are injected with this date (0) and so as they are not anteriors to the timestamp value (0) and will not be rejected. fix : GFX packs completion disabled after a GFX packs folder update fix : WII-U / remove paste code for sync/keep saves of the Wii-U in getWiiuOnlineFiles.bat 02/03/2021 V22-3 : fix : missing tools for WiiU file conversion feature (exist in repository but were forgoten in releases) 02/03/2021 V22-2 : opt : reduce launching time (30%) with optimizing updateGamesGraphicPacks.bat fix : update FPS cap behavior for pikmin in internal title database. fix : GFX packs not provided if you do not choose to let BatchFw complete GFX packs 27/02/2021 V22-1 : add : support for V5 packs (version read in rules.txt) "packaged" as V6 or up (like Xenoblade Chronicles X one) add : possibility to launch simultaneuous scripts 'Wii-U Games\BatchFw\Tools\Graphic packs\BatchFw's packs\Force rebuilding %GAME_TITLE% packs' add : details when vbs pre-requisites check failed in setup.bat fix : remove the option for deleting all folders (including games) in uninstall.bat fix : regression on CAP FPS for speep-up games when a V4 pack is package as a V6 one (XCX) 22/02/2021 V22 : opt : enhance settings and game profile import process opt : enhance scaling accuracy in V2 graphic packs completion add : Wii-U files format conversion script (need JNUSTool setup completed) WUD <-> WUX, WUW,WUD -> WUP, WUX, WUD -> RPX, WUP -> RPX if targeted format is RPX : - you can choose to keep the WUP package (for example, add it directly on a SDCard for a future installation on your Wii-U) - the game is installed automatically and if an active network is found on the next/first run available upadte and DLC will be detected. Use 'Wii-U Games\Update Games.lnk' shortcut to download and install them automatically. add : import new cache (titleId.bin) if old cache (shaderCacheId.bin) is not found (better than nothing for versions of CEMU earlier than 1.16) add : use titleId in gamesLibrary.log to track GFX packs completion status Fix some completion status computation failure for some games add : FPS CAP packs also when FPS++ is detected (BOTW, only sync monitors refresh rates presets) add : use a game profile template based on last version of CEMU in LaunchGame and WizardFirstLaunch systematically fix : remove the _BatchFW_Controller_Profiles folder (now using a template for all games) fix : remove winmerge and the game profile diff step when importing game's profile (simplify wizard process) fix : shortcuts to en/disable the progress bar are now always created Warning : using the progress bar double the launching times fix : regression on scaling V2 packs instanciated from existant one 13/02/2021 V21-9 : opt : reduce launching time (33%) opt : rework the gfx packs handling : considering now the version of CEMU used to define the range of the GFX pack versions to be selected. Older packs are completed when needed. add : rework the extra slots handler scripts add : fix and enhance the documentation of GFX packs handling in BatchFw add : filter on the mods selected using the version of CEMU launched (range of GFX pack versions) add : secure all rarExe process calls (in other thread to let the operation complete if a KILL signal is sent) fix : force api = 0 in settings. xml when importing for v < 1.16 from v > 1.16 (Vulkan is not suported) fix : some issues when launching old version of CEMU with GFX packs V4 and V6 mixed (that is the case in the offcial repository) fix : Sonic Lost Word FPS cap effect behavior (NOEF) in Wii-U title database 12/02/2021 V21-8 : hotfix : regression (.exe extension ot found when launching setup, create*.bat) due to a missing declaration fix : "find error" message when launching Create*.bat with selecting games 03/02/2021 V21-7 : add : Extra save slots concept to handle multiple saves per user New shortcut in Wii-Games\%BATCHFW_USER%\_BatchFw - Set saves slots.lnk (you have to launch shortcuts or excutable creation to create it) add : Script to set extra slot enabled - list %BATCHFW_USER% games with active slots, - create a new extra slot and activate it - activate a given slot - delete an existing slot - override default's user save with a given slot and deactivate all slots - override default's user save with a given slot and delete all slots - delete all slots (keep default user's save, the CEMU one) - deactivate all slots (use default user's save and do not delete slots) add : A readonly file "%GAME_FOLDER_PATH%\Cemu\inGameSaves\%GAME_TITLE%_%user%_activeSlot.txt" define the slot used by the user (so it keeps the information in the game folder in case of uninstalling/re-installing the game) Each slot is identified by a number and a label given by the user. Each label is written in a file in "%GAME_FOLDER_PATH%\Cemu\inGameSaves\%GAME_TITLE%_%user%_slot%i%.txt" close to the extra save file : "%GAME_FOLDER_PATH%\Cemu\inGameSaves\%GAME_TITLE%_%user%_slot%i%.rar" add : Wii-U / now you can choose to synchronize OR keep both saves (CEMU AND Wii-U one) If you choose to keep both, BatchFw creates automatically an extra slot when importing saves from the Wii-U. The label is filled automatically with : "WII-U import + %DATE%" All import / export operations will use the last modified slot with a label containing "WII-U import" (so you can create another slot from this save and it will be used as the last modified slot with its label containing "Wii-U import" is picked) add : documentation (create userSavesAndSlots.txt and modify syncWii-U.txt) add : Script to select games to be compressed and uninstalled (create a COMPLETE rar archive of each game) New shortcut in Wii-Games\Compress and uninstall games.lnk (you have to launch shortcuts or excutable creation to create it) Archive files contains : game + update + DLC + all saves for all users + transferable cache + all settings used by all users on every host (including controller profiles and mod used) The files are created in %GAMES_FOLDER% (and this folder is used as working one). Size left on device is checked before all operations. If archive file already exist, it is updated instead of be replaced. The backup file is a max compressed RAR 5 (you need RAR 5 support to open it with a GUI) file that have passed the final files check. Delete the game's folder only if the operation succeeds (analyse Rar.exe return code) You can choose to turn PC off when done. add : Possibility to shutdown PC after all treatments in downloadGames.bat, updateGames.bat, injectGamesToWiiu.bat and dumpGamesFromWiiu.bat (12 sec timeout to default choice = NO) add : host name when creating FPS CAP for synchronize FPS and screen refresh rate add : robustness on games stats computation add : checking if BatchFw is not already/still running in scripts that might needs it add : extend integer checks for user's input using regexp add : a backup of existing save in importSaves.bat add : GFX pack version in the title bar when updating GFX pack folder fix : GFX packs not rebuilding when forcing a GFX packs update with packs already completed earlier using the same version fix : use a local working dir for RAR.exe operations to skip the move time fix : clean dead code in backupInGameSaves.bat fix : restore the old version of "injectGamesToWiiu.bat" that inject games/updates and DLC that you have previously dumped (will be usefull if eShop goes down definitively one day) 16/01/2021 V21-6 : add : push robocpoy thread to 32 max fix : regression on GPU Cache copy 15/01/2021 V21-5 : add : support for resolution GFX pack using aspect ratio presets (BOTW gfx pack >= 734) add : in launchGame.bat clean useless log files 14/01/2021 V21-4 : add : minimize time of all files copy (add robocopy multithreaded option) add : update gamesLibrary.log when scanning games (to remove uninstalled games and avoid conflicts if you re-install them) fix : when registering a CEMU install in setup.bat, ask to import mlc01 data only if settings.xml exists fix : clean all fnr logs before exiting launchGame.bat fix : remove old script deleteAllInGameSaves.bat left by mistake in the project 06/01/2021 V21-3 : add : handle GFX packs V7 and up add : update CAP FPS behaviors of some titles in the internal database add : broken shortcuts deletion now also remove broken shortcuts to game's profile, custom GFX packs handling... now removes shortcut with - invalid target and icon location (uninstalled game, CEMU's version) - game's shortcuts for uninstalled CEMU's versions fix : in launchGame.bat searching for a transferable cache for API=OpenGL and for Vulkan if CEMU < 1.19 fix : bug on broken shortcuts deletion fix : some unwanted cmd flash when using fnr.exe (stdout/stderr redirections) fix : remove old script injectDumpsToWiiu.bat left by mistake in the project (replaced by injectGamesToWiiu.bat) 22/12/2020 V21-2 : add : in launchGame.bat searching for a transferable cache for API=OpenGL and for Vulkan if CEMU < 1.19 fix : in launchGame.bat clean old update location at the end of the script (this folder is created by links to 00050000e and 00050000c in updateGameGraphicPacks) to avoid red hightlining in CEMU fix : when opening CEMU for the first time set GAMES_FOLDER as Games Path to avoid CEMU popup on first run add : compute data size needed only if source and target partitions differs add : "Fix broken shortcuts.lnk" now also remove shortcuts with invalid CEMU install paths (removed or moved) fix : created FPS CAP packs also if a 60FPS pack exists (clean code and comments), FPS++ detection remains add : a column in internal Wii-U title database used for FPS CAP packs : Cap effect (enum = NOEF, SPEED, SYNCSCR) - NOEF : NO speed-up, no FPS increase or incompatible or it exists a FPS++ pack - SPEED : affect emulation speed - SYNCSCR : increase the FPS only Values are set by myself using the game dev team (and the game engine they usualy use) otherwise Unknown/unchecked games in the database are set to the default value = SYNCSCR fix : CAP FPS packs are now created using "SetFps" instead of "Speed" and only for SPEED and SYNCSCR games add : save screen refresh rate of every host used add : a FPS CAP preset to fit refresh rate of all the monitors you use (for each host defined) On games where only the FPS is affected (SYNCSCR : emulation speed didn't changed but FPS is increased), it allows to push the FPS close to what your screen can display. fix : Wipeout & crash download failure (due to '&' charcater). Remove the implicit resolution throught function call (duplicate the code) to enhance robustness for games with name containing unsupported chars fix : random bug that finalize downloads too earlier and can cause games to be not completed fix : download windows that not closing when finalizing downloads fix : in setup.bat import controller profiles before opening CEMU for the first time fix : in wizardFirstSaving.bat when importing a gameProfile from the last settings used : check CEMU's folder still exists 13/12/2020 V21-1 : add : replace multiplyLongInteger.bat with multiply.bat (floats support) add : updating games : remove FPS++/60FPS warning raised when a GFX pack is found for the game (those packs used internal memory adresses which could be changed when applying the update and so it could break the pack). Considering now this GFX packs are up to date (use the latest update). fix : when searching silently for update/DLC of a game (if an active network connection is on and if you have setup JNUSTool), fix false detection of update/DLC that could occurs when the version is defined with leading 0 in meta.xml and installing issues fix : regression on update/DLC install issue (one folder level bug) fix : cleanup code created once to update from old versions of BatchFw 07/12/2020 V21 : add : V6 GFX Pack support (if you choose to let BatchFw complete the resolution presets) add : rewrite code for adding resolution preset and creating packs (used for all GFX packs versions) : - insert presets for existing aspects ratios in a way to have them sorted when displayed in CEMU's GFX packs UI - force to define presets multiples than 1050 for */10 aspect ratios and multiple of 1080 otherwise (including custom ones) add : possibility to complete all resolution presets for your games in a row after a GFX pack folder update (forced or not) add : update embeded GFX packs to v720 add : embeded V4 packs with v703 completed with the ones updated in V720 add : WII-U / add dumpling to homebrew apps in resources\WiiuSDcard.rar add : Update WiiU-Titles-Library.csv (add titles and Wii-U app) fix : update documentation on GFX packs 19/11/2020 V20-1 : add : CEMU V1.22 and above support in wizardFirstSaving.bat (Auto cpu Mode) add : when a game profile is imported (with CEMU's settings) from an older version than 1.22.0 : - replace Single-core by SingleCore-recompiler - replace Multi-core by recommendedMode (computed as it already done in wizardFirstSaving.bat) fix : minors profile file issues when importing old CEMU's ones 29/10/2020 V20 : fix : GFX v707 completion failure for packs with extra directives fix : infinite loop that could occur when completing GFX packs (checking links step) 10/09/2020 V19-9 : add : WII-U / add NUSspli to ".\resources\WiiuSDcard.rar" add : WII-U / re-enable the games injection feature - remove the checks on Code/title.* files - remove dead code for update and DLC files HowTo : inject games' files using BatchFw, finish to install games using NUSspli and install update, DLC It allows you to inject many games via FTP automatically instead of install WUP packages of each games (usefull if you have a "small" SDCard) 04/09/2020 V19-8 : add : update embeded GFX packs to v698 add : update WiiU-Titles-Library.csv fix : bad native FPS computed when a 60FPSMultiplayer packs exists for a game (fix FPS CAP pack for MK8) 22/08/2020 V19-7 : add : when reverting saves to a mlc01 folder, use Wii-U accounts if defined under _BatchFw_WiiU\OnlineFiles\usersAccounts add : 16/9 windowed aspect ratio (401/210) if you use a 16/9 monitor, let BFW complete the packs and choose to not launch Cemu in full screen mode fix : fail GFX packs completion (add presets) for BOTW on the first run (v697) fix : multiple completion of BOTW GFX pack due to the presence of many occurences of the native resolution preset 18/07/2020 V19-6 : fix : fix CEMU version not supported when choosing to creates shortcut for all games fix : unexpected renaming sequence for update and DLC add : update embeded GFX packs to v693 08/07/2020 V19-5 : fix : fixbatFiles.bat create ./logs folder if needed fix : fixbatFiles.bat check if the path does not contain forbiden characters (need to be checked when used after cloning repository) fix : change name of the function secureStringPathForDos to secureStringForDos fix : dat account file was not installed on the very first launch (in wizardFirstSaving.bat) leading in an incomplete installation of online files ONLY the first run add : check main path to GAMES_FOLDER (not only games'folders) in setup.bat and create*.bat add : update embeded GFX packs to v690 04/07/2020 V19-4 : fix : option "create shortcut/exe for all games" not asked when log.txt does not exist fix : label for choice 2 in setup.bat when starting with no games add : update embeded GFX packs to v686 10/06/2020 V19-3 : fix : regression on GAME_TITLE and GAME_FOLDER_NAME computation fix : regression on the installation of DLC and update downloaded due to the handling of '(' in the native game title. It might result in folders left in GAMES_FOLDER with name containing [DLC] or [UPDATE DATA] and so were not installed correctly. updating to V19-3 will fix the issue in the code AND install DLC and update correctly fix : BRC64.exe call to earlier in setup.bat for installing correctlty DLC and update with importGames.bat add : new popup messages in updateGamesGraphicPacks.bat add : use the name in internal database (if found) to rename game's title 06/06/2020 V19-2 : fix : GFX completion not detected (no popup displayed when GFX packs for this game once built/completed) fix : DLC/update install failed if 0050000c/e folder does not exist add : title name restrictions as WUP limitations (forbid ™, ®, ©, É otherwise GFX detection fails) add : update embeded GFX packs to v685 03/06/2020 V19-1 : fix : RAM amount conversion to GB in reports fix : choice error message (without consequence) at the end of setup.bat fix : fail to downloading content with size < 1MB add : shortcut in "Wii-U Games\CEMU" to access directly to http://wiki.cemu.info/wiki/ for each games installed add : the possibility to display CEMU's compatibility for a game when collecting settings on the first run (wizardFirstSaving.bat) add : check in background if a new game's update if available when launching a game (outdated update can result in Wii-U's error 106-0502 when going online) (java needs to be installed and check only if an active netwok connexion is found) add : update games feature, to update your games after checking that : - CEMU is not already running - if a 60FPS or a FPS++ packs exist and handle the new version add : update embeded GFX pack to v683 08/05/2020 V19 : fix : redirect stderr to NUL on xml operations fix : reports not created (regression) fix : wait in WizardFirstLaunch.bat not effective and could lead in no GFX found fix : file extension check when importing transferable cache fix : add natives values to default in updateGameGraphicPaccks for displaying popup message when the game is not found in the wii-u titles internal database fix : update glogFile after the waiting loop in updateGameGraphicPaccks fix : escape character left in FPS CAP GFX packs created fix : missing icons for shortcut created in Wii-U Games\BatchFw\Tools\Graphic packs\BatchFw's packs add : spirv vulkan cache support (API vulkan version >= 1.18.2) add : "Wii U Error Codes.rtf" in ./doc and a shortcut "Wii-U Games\Wii-U\Wii-U error codes.lnk" add : possibility to treat all games in Create*.bat add : automatically correct nativeFPS to 30FPS in the internal Wii-U titles database if a 60FPS pack exists (when initial value is wrong = 60FPS) add : update embeded GFX pack to v663 30/04/2020 V18-9 : fix : Wii-U 106-0502 error when going online with versions >= 1.15.19 and other playing online issues fix : powershell policy issues fix : script's name error for the third choice in setup.bat when starting with no games installed fix : in wizardFirstLaunch.bat set threadQuantum to 100000 and disableGPUFence to false by default when creating a game's profile (when not provided by CEMU) fix : import games not treat games without update (or DLC) when base folder is not your games one add : arguments to killBatchFw to ignore some scripts add : killBatchFw processes from wizardFirstSaving (on ownership issue found on a used folder) ignore updateGamesGraphicPacks in order to let batchFw complete/create the GFX packs add : create scripts to be launched as administrator to fix ownership issues (script are saved in Wii-U Games\OwnerShip Patchs and auto-deleted once they have been launched) add : one check more in fixBatFiles.bat 27/04/2020 V18-8 : fix : fixBatFile's log file error when resetting BatchFw to default fix : lower threshold to 50% for saves integrity checker fix : collision on temporary files (same file used by different scripts) that might occurs on low end PC fix : in setup.bat wii-u user accounts detection when importing setting from another host was broken fix : GFX pack name not matching between res and FPS cap packs created when special characters are in game's name fix : "Complete GFX packs for all my games" do not update gameLibrary.log fix : also patch enum to integer for GpuBufferAccuracy in wizardFirstSaving.bat (when cemu < 1.15.6) fix : move create/complete GFX packs message to updateGameGraphicPacks.bat fix : wrong titleId in %GAME_FOLDER_PATH%\Cemu\%GAME_TITLE% (file not used) fix : setup.bat add a BatchFw's user without Wii-U is more simple now opt : skip games already installed in importGames.bat opt : lower the finalizing step add : script to delete/reset BatchFw's GFX packs created (all of them or per game) Shortcuts are created under "Wii-U Games\BatchFw\Tools\Graphic packs" one for deleting all and one per game (using game icon) add : update embeded GFX pack to v653 23/04/2020 V18-7 : fix : limit the range of scaling directives created from [1 - 1/12] when creating new res graphic packs (fix black textures issue in some games) fix : now display only one pop message when no transferable cache is found fix : popup return code bug on importing a transferable cache on the fly when launching game add : popup message to help fixing created packs (res and FPS cap packs) if needed (wrong native resolution and/or native FPS in the Wii-U internal database). add : detect windows ownerships issues when trying to move/copy in a folder If you get a game, update or DLC created by another user on another host (USER_CREATOR rights) move operations will failed (CEMU's assistant will also failed to migrate update and DLC paths and you'll get a 'permission denied' popup and so CEMU will launch its assistant on every run) Extend this check to every move operations (that are few because as windows shell do not catch signals, BatchFw moves files only if he cannot do otherwise. That also right concerning links poorly handled under windows) add : internal Wii-U database integrity check in fixBatFiles.bat add : forcing GFX pack folder update will re-install embeded GFX packs if no active network connection is found 21/04/2020 V18-6 : fix : set a threshold at 90% for saves integrity checker (to avoid false positive due to Rar upgrade since 18-4) fix : resolution GFX V3 pack sometimes not listed in CEMU despite link to it exists opt : slightly lower pre-processing time add : enhancements in fixBatfiles.bat add : update doc\graphicPacksHandling.txt add : display a "what to do" pop message when creating a graphic pack for a new game if it does not work on the first run (depends on default values set in internal Wii-U title database) 20/04/2020 V18-5 : fix : popup return code bug on saves checker fix : set a threshold at 99% for saves integrity checker 19/04/2020 V18-4 : fix : minimal CEMU version handled is now 1.11.6 fix : WUP package size threshold didn't work fix : regression = V2 GFX pack missings with CEMU < 1.14 fix : do not import settings when settings.bin exist only on one side (only in source or target versions) fix : if needed after a settings import, replace high/medium/low values by integers when version < 1.15.6 fix : in Create*.bat, NB_GAMES left to 0 when defining only one user add : in Create*.bat, NB_OUTPUTS counting shortcuts or executables created add : update rar to V5 in order to support very long file's name in common folder (MK8 for example) add : catch exceptions in Cemu's log (when return code = 0) add : update ./doc/CemuInterfacesHistory.log add : in wizardFirstLaunch.bat create a missing game's profile accordingly to the number of threads detected on the host when CEMU >= 1.17.2 add : when Cemu return code = 0, add a check on user save's file size to avoid save corruption by Cemu. If the size of the new file < backup one, warn user : - if he resets his save : ignore - else restore backup N (BatchFw handle 2 levels of backup for saves and transferable cache) 11/04/2020 V18-3 : fix : remove links for GFX packs used in game's folder. Windows failed to copy/move the game (it creates folder instead of copy links in the target folder and fail to copy or move broken ones). fix : regression on ccerts and scerts not copied when installing online files fis : when a game not listed in the internal Wii-U title database is added, handle readonly rights on WiiU-Titles-Library.csv fix : regression on GFX packs gathering that could longer launching time a bit add : in wizardFirstSaving.bat a number of CPU threads computation to help user to set a correct cpuMode (Single/Dual/TripleCore) when version of CEMU >= 1.17.2 02/04/2020 V18-2 : fix : cosmetic things (minor changes) add : create CAP FPS pack now also if a 60FPS patch exists for a game (to set emulation speed) (DO NOT USE WITH THE 60FPS ONE) add : add more presets in CAP FPS pack created by BatchFw 01/04/2020 V18-1 : add : improve the latest feature add : a parameter to importTransferableCache.bat to define if the cache is supposed to be used for CEMU before/after 1.16 (shader cache name changing) add : in importTransferableCache.bat analyse the file browsed and ask user about cache nature only if needed add : import transferable cache on the fly in launchGame.bat (call importTransferableCache.bat with args) 30/03/2020 V18 : fix : remove config file from archive (was overwritten by the update process) create it in setup.bat if needed on the very first run or if you reset BatchFw 29/03/2020 V17-9 : fix : cl error msg when using version earlier than 1.15.8 fix : avoid _BatchFw_Install folder when searching for rpx files fix : fixBrokenShortcuts.bat was not modified from setup.bat because of remaining read only attribute add : update embebed GFX pack to v642 28/03/2020 V17-8 : fix : GFX packs not found msg after an update fix : third party software were not launched on the very first run of a game fix : empty transferable cache detection failure on the very first run of a game fix : lower size threshold of the new feature fix : set some choices timeout in setup.bat fix : when creating new Graphic packs, setting the complete titleId list (regions) in rules.txt was broken add : more scale directives in GFX packs V3 created 25/03/2020 V17-7 : fix : msg when reaching the max integer of int32 fix : lower size threshold 24/03/2020 V17-6 : hot fix : use 'size' instead of 'size on disk' for the threshold used to close suspended transferts (freezed windows consoles) handle integers bigger than 32bits fix : remove explorer popup message add : don't use progress bar by default (lower pre and post times significatively) 22/03/2020 V17-5 : hot fix : pause left in launchGame.bat (game not launching). fix : lower the threshold on size 22/03/2020 V17-4 : fix : int32 overflow when computing size of "big" titles (Xenoblade Chronicles X...) fix : size on disk estimation (using target drive cluster size) add : choice of checking for BatchFw's update (when launching games) in setup.bat add : choice to remove all (including games) in uninstall.bat 20/03/2020 V17-3 : hotfix : on last feature added (to get it : create shortcuts for a version of CEMU, even a already registered one) take "size on disk" into account (transferts was stopped too early) fix : replace registry acces to read default browser. Using explorer.exe instead 19/03/2020 V17-2 : fix : error when getting BatchFw version from setup.bat add : game, update and DLC size support, compute needed and available space left (+check) progression in the title bar, increase passes number from 5 to 15 paralellize treatments, close child windows on size criterion add : a silent mode to updateBatchFw.bat add : warn user if a BatchFw update is available in launchGame.bat (in a separate process) 17/03/2020 V17-1 : - fix : DLC detection failure in reportCompatibility.bat - add : GFX pack V5 support for completion (DO not use them, they are not ready) - add : JNUSTool in resources - fix : do not ask for auto import settings anymore (ask each time) 05/03/2020 V17 : - fix : sync game stats failure in syncGamesFolder.bat - fix : logs in uninstall.bat - fix : existing profile files copied in _BatchFW_Missing_Games_Profiles - fix : NB_GAMES_TREATED not increased when calling Create*.bat from setup.bat - fix : AUTO_IMPORT_MODE switch ineffective in setup.bat and misplaced 03/03/2020 V16-8 : - fix : games treated not counted correctly in CreateShortcuts/Executables.bat - fix : windows titles not displayed in restore*ForAllGames.bat - fix : ask for auto import mode in setup.bat only one time - add : time_played when sync games stats in syncGamesFolder.bat - add : a warning if no active network connection is found when checking pre-requisites on a first run of setup.bat. Do not try to update if this test has failed for this run. - add : a check to know if the game exists in the target games folder in - restoreMlc01DataForAllGames.bat - restoreTransShadersForAllGames.bat - restoreUserSavesOfAllGames.bat if it doesn't, ask you to skip the game - add : when installed on a HDD, add shortcuts to enable/disable the progressbar in 'Wii-U Games\BatchFw\enable/disableProgressBar' - add : recompute the current resolution on each run to set progress bar correctly - fix : bug in exportUserGamesStatsToCemu.bat - fix : replace call by external call for importSaves.bat in copy/moveMlc01Data.bat 27/02/2020 V16-7 : - add : auto import settings is now a Host parameter (if you disable it, a notification will be displayed and you can choose to import the candidate settings or to collect settings as for a first run) - add : sync games stats in syncGamesFolder.bat - fix : shortcuts creation failed for displayGamesStats & exportUserGamesStatsToCemu - fix : GFX packs not found when collecting settings (wizardFirstLaunch) 25/02/2020 V16-6 : - fix : import games failure when the folder has DOS unsupported characters in - fix : do not maximize create*.bat when called with args - fix : version left to 16-4 in source code => ask for update batchFw everytime - fix : when a new aspect ratio is detected from the resolution, force BatchFw to complete GFX packs on next run. - add : exportUserGamesStatsToCemu.bat that collects playtime stats of a user for all games and update the ones in a target CEMU's install (+shortcut in "Wii-U Games\%BatchFwUser%\Export all stats to a CEMU install.lnk") - add : exportAllToCemu.bat now call exportUserGamesStatsToCemu.bat - add : new icon for "Wii-U Games\%BatchFwUser%\Display games stats.lnk" - add : now ask to import games stats from a CEMU install for the chosen user in importSaves.bat - add : a suffix "BatchFw : " to batchFw's shortcuts names in user folders (to gather them) - opt : remove useless checks in internals scripts (that have not shortcut in BatchFw interface) - add : resources : cemuhook_1116_0564.zip, cemuhook_1159_0573.zip and sharedFonts.zip - add : auto install CemuHook and sharedFonts (in function of CEMU's version) - add : auto-import is now enabled by default if installing a version >= 1.15.15, if a user game profile is found => import (CEMU's auto- update feature will update the settings.xml file) else : - if a user's game profile is not found => do not import - all requiered nodes must exist in the candidate settings.xml - and if settings.bin files exist, check their sizes Keep the launchGame.bat's arg for compatibility (previous shortcuts created) - add : copy instead of move by default in restoreMlc01DataForAllGames.bat (when called with args) - add : redirect launch/StopThirdPartySoftware outputs to batchFw's log 21/02/2020 V16-5 : - fix : GFX packs missing when collecting settings (wizardFirstSaving) regression due to recent optimizations - fix : windows title set in restoreUserSavesOfAllGames.bat and importSaves.bat when called with args - fix : (copy/moveMlc01DataForAllGames.bat) check if mlc01 folder already exist in game's folder only when called without args - opt : remove useless checks in pre-processing (launchGame.bat) - add : launchGame.bat now writes batchFw version in logs\Host_!USERDOMAIN!.log - add : traces in console's output for importModsForAllGames.bat 21/02/2020 V16-4 : - fix : native height to 720 for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate in WiiU-Titles-Library.csv - fix : launchGame.bat might ends when old transferable shader cache is not found (regression due to recent optimizations) - add : a new check in fixBatFiles.bat to avoid this kind of issue (searching for unused/undefined label) - opt : clean the code using the results of the new check on bat files (remove all unused labels and fucntions) - add : a script exportAllToCemu.bat that call - restoreMlc01DataForAllGames.bat - restoreTransShadersForAllGames.bat - restoreUserSavesOfAllGames.bat in order to move back updates, DLC, transferable cache and extract all saves for all users (choosing theirs accounts) in a CEMU target folder + shortcut to this script in "Wii-U Games\CEMU" - add : the choice to dump or import games when no games are found during setup.bat 19/02/2020 V16-3 : - fix : link creation test failed in setup.bat. - fix : do not save GLCache Id in host's log file anymore. - fix : remove debug lines in exportSavesToWiiu.bat - fix : FTP configuration not found in ftpSetWiiuFirmwareUpdateMode.bat - fix : WII-U / remove injection feature since it not works on all games I need to investigate why - add : CEMU accounts support in import/export saves - add : script (wipeTracesOnThisHost.bat) and its shortcut to wipe all traces on this host - add : wipeTracesOnThisHost.bat flush items in host's log file when removing them. - add : vulkan caches backup deletion in uninstall.bat 15/02/2020 V16-2 : - fix : when adding a new aspect ratio, instead of forcing a GFX pack update flush the gamesLibrary.log (to force batchFw will complete the GFX packs on next launch) - fix : auto-update issue (did not end). Fixed but you'll get an excpeted error "'RLEVEL" when update (due the dynamic patch of the updater source file). Just close the windows. - fix : saves not found for the current user in restoreUserSavesOfAllGames.bat - fix : importGames.bat always copy even if move was chosen - opt : lower compression time by using the update mode - opt : lower significatively pre processing time : - extract saves earlier - lower updateGameGraphicPacks.bat execution time - add : robustness on launching game : call wizardFirstRun.bat in the same instance - add : folder size computation in - copyMlc01DataForAllGames.bat - dumpGamesFromWiiu.bat - importGames.bat - moveMlc01DataForAllGames.bat - restoreMlc01DataForAllGames.bat - add : 16/9 standard HDTV as proposed aspect ratios in setup.bat - add : possibility to copy data (move by default) in restoreMlc01DataForAllGames.bat when called with no args - add : a shortcut to delete all game's shortcuts created for this version in each CEMU's version subfolder under "Wii-U Games\CEMU" - add : WII-U / add DLC injection in injectDumpsToWiiu.bat (only update seems to use symlinks on Wii-U file system) - add : WII-U / do not use SaveMii anymore : BatchFw now fully handle saves (import/export) - add : WII-U / now game stats are handled and updated both ways (CEMU <-> Wii-U) during import/export It does not work before because i didn't realize that Wii-U timestamp in saveinfo.xml is an hexa number. Converted to decimal, it gives a J2000 timestamp and Cemu uses a 1970 timestamp (like Linux) 07/02/2020 V16-1 : - fix : allow Restricted as powershell policy when checking pre-requisites 06/02/2020 V16 : - add : now it is possible to add a descripton when defining a user aspect ratio (visibles when browsing GFX packs in CEMU and used to name V2 graphic packs) - add : the choice to copy or move data in importGames.bat - add : output folder as arg when calling setup.bat from dumpingGames.bat (to avoid asking you the outputs location you already defined on this host) - add : if no new cache is found for a game, rename and use the old one (warn user with a popup message) to avoid the CEMU (> 1.16) popup import. - add : checks on the first run of setup.bat on a given host -> try to create a link (used in BatchFw for GFX packs) -> check if powershell scripts execution is allowed (policy <> Restricted or AllSigned) -> check if the vbs scripts execution is allowed - add : WII-U / scripts to enable/disable WII-U firmware update and shortcuts - add : WII-U / a script to inject games'dumps (games you removed from the wii-U) and previsouly dumped with BatchFw. Due to FTPiiU server limitation it is impossible to recreate symlinks on the WiiU file system remotely => only game is injected (not the update nor the DLC). You'll have to update the game and get the DLC from your Wii-U Only FULL games dumps are candidates : files title.fst and title.tmd must exist under the code folder of the game. - add : WII-U / add shortcut for inject dump script in "Wii-u Games\Wii-U" - add : WII-U / and start/end dumping dates in "_BatchFw_WiiU\gameDownloadHistory.log" and for injecting games in "_BatchFw_WiiU\gameUploadHistory.log" - fix : WII-U / WinScp compare files (sync feature) by size and not by date anymore - fix : GFX pack availability check failure in importGames.bat - fix : setup.bat force GFX update on aspect ratios list changed only if _BatchFw_Install\logs\gamesLibrary.log doesn't exist 31/01/2020 V15-9 : - fix : update process needs to flush DESIRED_ASPECT_RATIO in all host log files otherwise GFX completion might failed (you can fix it on V15-8 by using "Wii-U Games\BatchFw\Reset BatchFw.lnk") - fix : Reset BatchFw call to fixBatFiles.bat - fix : WII-U / dumpGames exit after selecting games'numbers - fix : WII-U / unexpected check on wiiU IP adress (DOS syntax) - fix : WII-U / useless warning raised by scanWiiU.bat - add : WII-U / ask for a SDcard creation when dumping games from the setup.bat (if no games were found in setup.bat) - add : WII-U / dump games script check if an active network connection exists before propose you to update GFX packs folder (if needed) - add : import games script check if a GFX pack are available for each game imported if at least one game has no GFX pack, propose to update the GFX packs folder - add : import games script call setup.bat if no args are given - fix : import games script creates new update and DLC paths - fix : WII-U / dump games script uses new update and DLC paths 29/01/2020 V15-8 : add : in setup.bat enter outputs type before asking where create outputs add : WII-U / call to setup.bat at the end of dumping game if a game was added add : get //fullscreen value from settings.xml in wizardFirstSaving.bat add : force GFX packs update after V2 pack extraction if you let batchFw complete packs add : get ratio aspect from the current resolution with computing the minimum rational number associated (no need to add the current ratio anymore) add : TV aspect ratio support (HDTV, DCI, UltraWide) opt : lower GFX pack completion time fix : limit windowed presets and packs to 16/10 and 1366x768 fix : regression setup.bat exit (choice 3) was not taken into account fix : regression V2 packs not listed in CEMU < 1.14 (links were not created) fix : update paths/detection compatibility broken for CEMU < 1.15.11 (>1.16 move files and break the comptability on update location, DLC is OK since 1.11.6) rebuild the old paths (using links) for versions < 1.15.11 27/01/2020 V15-7 : fix : migrate games'update and DLC path to new ones (break compatibility with versions earlier than 1.11.6) ti avoid 1.17 DLC check on the old location (copy/moveMlc01 scripts are not impacted) fix : update scale factor for 16/10 windowed ratio fix : System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException that can be raised because of fnr subfolder deletion by other scripts when building GFX packs fix : do not display the progress bar when collecting settings for a game opt : slightly optimize GFX completion process 26/01/2020 V15-6 : fix : dumpGame call location in setup.bat fix : windowed GFX packs broken 24/01/2020 V15-5 : fix : unexpected "file not found" message due to a missing redirection of stderr fix : force fullscreen choice in settings.xml (fullscreen node introduced in version 1.15.18) fix : progress bar message : "installing GPU cache" ("OpenGL cache" was displayed also when using vulkan API) fix : setup.bat ask outputs type 2 times fix : size of converted icons from jpg are now 512x512 fix : remove unused icons built with box art image (save 40Mb on BatchFw) fix : multiplyLongInteger error if a custom character (not ISO 850) is in games' path (implicit expansion not delayed in for loop) add : if GFX completion is running and progress bar is used : in launchGame.bat use the progress bar to display the message add : a 0 limit on height in create*GraphicPacks when computing "exotic" custom aspect ratio such as 1366x768 -> 863/384 add : WII-U / call to dumGamesFromWiiu.bat in setup.bat when no games were found opt : lower graphic completion time by 5sec if no V2 GFX packs are used 22/01/2020 V15-4 : - add : handle custom user aspect ratio for GFX packs completion/creation - add : script to complete GFX packs for all games installed - add : WII-U / add createSdCard call in setup.bat - add : fix ineffective regExp filters using findStr - add : WII-U / when dumping game, you can choose all/select/none or a user for which all saves found will be imported. none,all or a given user : do not interrupt the download process select : choose for each games, which users you want to import saves for. - fix : unexpected titleId.ini folder created in _BatchFw_Install\tools - fix : replace cmdOw version with v1.4.8 (not detected as false positive by some antivirus) 04/01/2020 V15-3 : - fix : gameprofile import failure (auto import settings enabled) - add : update embeded GFX packs to V587 23/12/2019 V15-2 : - fix : mlc and update handling - fix : auto-updater - fix : shortcut to game profile - fix : titleId case issues 19/12/2019 V15-1 : - add : script to synchronize GAMES_FOLDER (copy in both sides the newest saves for all users and newer transferable cache) - add : shortcuts to the script to sync GAMES_FOLDER - add : new transferable shader cache handling (CEMU >= 1.16 : shaderCache Name = titleId) - add : retro compatibility for update and DLC installed in new locations (0005000c/e) - fix : existing messages weren't flushed in games library's log file - fix : game profile's shortcut creation failure - fix : others minors fixes 12/12/2019 V15 : - add : in copy/moveMlc01DataForAllGames.bat : if mlc01 folder is within a CEMU's folder import transferable caches (compute shaderCache name : thanks Exzap !) That means that there's no need to launch the game a first time with CEMU to get the transferable cache when importing mlc01 data any more (install step) - add : an optional progressbar launching mode to monitor BatchFw Pre and Post processing if BatchFw is installed on a removable device => always use progress bar - add : Vulkan shader cache backup implementation + add a shortcut to access to caches backup - add : update embeded GFX packs to v563, rename V3_GFX_packs.rar to GFX_Packs.rar - add : support V4 GFX packs for presets completion - add : volatiles messages boxes (popup with timeout to avoid stopping treatments) - add : handle a list for user aspect ratios - add : support in GFX packs files for the packs created by BatchFw - add : 32/9 aspect ratio support - add : GFX packs completion take all hosts settings into account (aspect ratios defined) - add : in setup.bat, defining a new aspect ratios list will force a GFX pack update (only if an active connection is found) - add : support of user's game profiles (Cemu 1.15.15) - add : BatchFw now propgates games'stats through versions of CEMU ( > 1.15.18) for all Hosts used for each user. A script updateGameStats.bat is added - add : script displayMyGamesStats.bat and a shortcut for each users - add : import games stats in launchGame.bat (using the last modified settings.xml no matter the host was) and update settings.xml of the current version with stats - add : WII-U / creasteSdCard.bat call in first launch of setup.bat - add : WII-U / if a Wii-U is used on first launch of setup.bat, add a call to importWiiuSaves.bat after registering CEMU's installs - add : WII-U / add HIDtoVPAD-v0.9k in resources\WiiuSDcard.rar (used to create a SD card) - add : import 3rd party software from the last other host configuration if the path is valid else try to changed the drive's letter and if it is valid import the setting - add : script to fix broken shortcuts in case of drive letter changing (installation on an USB device) or if you have moved your games'library. Missing CEMU's install folder is already handle in LaunchGame.bat (shortcuts are deleted automatically) - add : add a file browsing option when defining a 3rd party software to be launched before (and optionnaly closed after) CEMU. - add : add an existance check for 3rd Party Software when entering its command line - add : launchThirdPartySoftware.bat try to patch the drive letter on command and its args to launch third party software in case of installation of an USB drive where the drive letter changed. It was already working for third party softwares installed at the same level (or lower) than BatchFw. - add : setup.bat now removes a third party software with invalid path and also modify the path to software installed on an USB drive for whose driver letter had changed - add : a check on GFX packs links build that cancel the run if no GFX pack were found - add : GLCache handling in getMyShaderCachesSize.bat - add : update embeded V3 GFX packs to v542 - opt : pre-post processing times was reduced by running asynchronous treatments earlier - opt : monitorBatchFw don't close after CEMU anymore (to enhance priority of post treatments process) - opt : optimize game GFX packs gathering - opt : externalize GFX packs import (to be launched earlier in launchGame.bat and re-use in wizardFirstSaving.bat) - opt : only warn user of a new GFX pack release when launching a game - fix : regression ignore precompiled shaders did not work on latests releases - fix : wait for the end of V2 GFX pack extraction in Create*.bat - fix : still some unwanted message sent to console when completing/creating extra GFX packs - fix : disable the delayed expansion on game's profile path (when the file does not exist, it leads in a warning displayed in the console : the process tried to write on a nonexistent pipe) - fix : when a game's profile file was created (not existing) on versions >= 1.15.6, it wasn't copied in _BatchFw_Missing_Games_Profiles - fix : launchThirdPartySoftware.bat not removing a third party software with invalid path - fix : bug when comparing CEMU versions with a version without a letter in and do not re-computed formated version read everytime - fix : WII-U / online files are compressed to not appear in games list in CEMU UI - fix : force temporary files location to !TMP! - fix : ignore RC versions of BatchFw when searching for an update - fix : change mlc01 folder validity check with using mlc01/usr (remain after moving mlc01) - fix : createGameGraphicPacks.bat failed when launch with its shortcut - fix : deleteAllInGameSavesBackup.bat to treat only backup files 20/09/2019 V14-13 : - hotfix : GFX pack update failure (URL changed) 24/08/2019 V14-12 : - fix : online files installation failed when made from the wizard with no Cemu subfolder in the game's folder - fix : use the same method comparison in wizardFirstLaunch.bat than in launchGame.bat 23/08/2019 V14-11 : - fix : remaining bug when comparing versions - fix : move icons to %GAME_FOLDER_PATH%\Cemu (now leave game's folders untouched) 22/08/2019 V14-10 : - add : add a script restoreUserSavesOfAllGames.bat to copy back all last saves of a given user to a mlc01 folder (add a shortcut also in Wii-U Games\BatchFw\Tools\Mlc01 folder handling) - add : call restoreUserSavesOfAllGames.bat in restoreMlc01DataForAllGames.bat and remove saves handling from this script - add : call restoreUserSavesOfAllGames.bat in uninstall.bat for all users registered - fix : using delayed expansion for versionRead (when comparing versions). Fixed broken graphic packs intallation failure when BatchFw and Cemu are not on the same partition (because of cemu Bug #34) - fix : don't ask for a user in importSaves.bat if no users were defined - add : add a call to importSaves.bat in copy/moveMlc01DataForAllGames.bat with the mlc01 folder as argument (it asks which user is concerned by the Mlc01 folder and create his compressed save) - fix : in setup.bat, do not ask to import mlc01 data when registering a CEMU's install if you already browse to any external mlc01 folder - fix : now hosts share all controller profiles - add : rename getOnlineFiles shortcut (you can also use this script to sync your online accounts) - add : deleteMyGpuCache.bat now also clean CEMU's cache folders (GLCache + precompiled one) - add : a script to validate the extra graphic packs creation (dev purpose only) on all games in BatchFw's GFX pack folder - add : rename GFX packs folders to be DOS compliant in updateGameGraphicPacks.bat if needed (to prevent issues if user extract manually a GFX pack release in BatchFw's folder) - add : handle the 13 digits format of the titleId (ex 5000010116300) in rules.txt 18/08/2019 V14-9 : - hotfix : online files installation was broken and may lead in puting CEMU in the background 15/08/2019 V14-8 : - fix : getMyShaderCachesSize.bat size were not displayed if the cache is less than 1Mo - fix : launchGame.bat extend search for Cemu.exe already running - hotfix : killBatchFw.bat call in launchGame.bat - fix : killBatchFw.bat kill Cemu.exe before every BatchFw process 14/08/2019 V14-7 : - fix : fix find in rules.txt console output when completing GFX packs from wizardFirstSaving.bat - fix : re-write the code for GFX pack completion/creation using regExp (checked on all V512 res packs) - add : force formating rules.txt of resolution packs with LF (UTF-8 without BOM) - fix : sync native resolutions between WiiU-Titles-Library.csv and GFX packs v512 release - add : add BatchFw's log display on more errors in LaunchGame.bat - fix : settings.xml backup handling - add : update embeded GFX pack to V512 10/08/2019 V14-6 : - fix : regression on GFX update process - fix : "No loadiines games founds" in setup.bat after reset BatchFw to default - opt : optimize xmlStarlet use in wizardFirstSaving.bat - fix : remove user's name from outputs's name (shortcuts and executables) (you'll need to delete existing shortcuts after updating) - add : in wizardFirstSaving.bat add a check on settings.xml file size not equal to 0 - fix : in wizardFirstSaving.bat remove existings links in ./logs 08/08/2019 V14-5 : - fix : in wizardFirstSaving.bat do not propose a profile file comparison if no profile file was found - fix : in wizardFirstSaving.bat clean GameCache entries to force CEMU to refresh its games' list - add : in wizardFirstSaving.bat use xmlStarlet to parse settings.xml - fix : enhance "Kill BatchFw Processes" features - fix : do not create a missing game profiles for CEMU >= 1.15.6 (let CEMU handle it) - fix : backupInGameSaves.bat delete the old save file only if rar.exe return 0 (backup the old first) 07/08/2019 V14-4 : - add : enhance the portability of the games library. Add an users import process from a previous installation (on another host) when installing batchFw on a new host - add : install online files only if an active network connection is found. - fix : unwanted message in the console when exporting save to the Wii-U - fix : remove GFX packs filtering (useless and force a GFX packs update on a game addition) - fix : remaining issue on CAP FPS packs and separate V2 from V3 FPS++ detection - fix : in setup.bat ask for output folder before registering CEMu install - add : update GFX packs to v509 02/08/2019 V14-3 : - fix : broken comptability reports - add : support to new paths of update and DLC (since CEMU 1.15.11) 31/07/2019 V14-2 : - fix : precompiled shader key in profile file since 1.15.8 (disablePrecompiledShaders => precompiledShaders) - fix : FPS++ and 60FPS packs detection - fix : BOTW GFX pack completion failure - add : update GFX packs to v503 27/07/2019 V14-1 : - add : when BatchFw completes GFX packs, add a "contains inconsistent preset variables" check when analysing Cemu's log - add : scaleBlur & 2pScaling directives in GFX pack completion - fix : aspectRatio directive write twice when completing GFX packs - fix : nativeFps value not double for 30FPS native game without FPS++ - fix : detect _60FPS GFX packs (FPS++) - add : WII-U / restore scan Wii-U shortcuts and the call from setup.bat 01/07/2019 V14 : - add : enhance existing settings import process (using settings.bin size and settings nodes in settings.xml if files exist). If no suitable settings are found => launching the wizard to collect settings - add : automatic settings import mode is enabled by default (default timeout choice and so it still can be disabled) - add : you can import the last modified save when launching for a user that does not have save for this game - add : empty transferable shader cache detection : if an active internet connexion is found launch a google search on your web browser - add : ignoring the precompiled cache for NVIDIA users (for all games) is now by default (disabled for other GPU type) - add : use Game's icon (if meta\iconTex.tga found, use box art icons otherwise) - add : Cemu.exe and WinScp.exe shortcuts - fix : GFX packs not installed when you don't let BatchFw complete them - fix : not handling spaces and custom characters in user's name - fix : re-work the wii-u title database (full game's title) and ignoring spaces when parsing it - add : add a shocrtcut to the script used to kill all BatchFw's processes - add : xmlStartlet resource for handling xml files - fix : enhance GFX completion to compute scaleShader, aspectRatio (Wind Waker HD bug) - fix : now uninstall delete _BatchFw_WiiU folder - add : active network detection in forceGraphicPackUpdate.bat - fix : setting.xml found in CEMU FOLDER is restored after every run - add : if CEMU version >= 1.15.6, wizardFirstLaunch.bat use CEMU UI to tweak game's settings it's still possible to compare game's profile with the one from another version when opening CEMU in wizardFirstLaunch.bat, create a fake game's folder using a link to let only the game in CEMU UI games list - add : WII-U / set BatchFw's users list with WiiU users list (if asked in the setup.bat) - add : WII-U / scan: to list games, saves, updates and DLC installed on mlc and usb it takes snapshots (dated and saved under _BatchFW_WiiU\Scans) - add : WII-U / script to dump selected games from mlc and usb storage (including saves for all users, update and DLC files - add : WII-U / script to import game's save for each BatchFw's user (associated to a WiiU account) from the Wii-U - add : WII-U / script to export CEMU saves for each BatchFw's user (associated to a WiiU account) to the Wii-U SD card in SaveMii backups folder - add : a silent mode in forceGraphicPackUpdate.bat needed when called after game(s) dump 25/04/2019 V13-6 : - add : add a WII-U shortcuts folder - add : WII-U / script to prepare your SD card (fat32format -c64) + add HomeBrewLauncher, MOCHA + Ftp everywhere, Ftp everywhere CBHC version, nanddumper (you can use HBL get/update feature to complete app) If you use a hidden secondary USB device, you'll have to unplug it for the transferts otherwise FTP access to /storage_usb will fail - add : WII-U / script to dump all necessary files to play online in _BatchFW_WiiU\onlineFiles - add : WII-U / script to associate BatchFw's user to WiiU accounts - add : auto-install onlines files for the current user when launching a game Check before if your Wii-U is not present on the network (set static IP adressing on your network for that feature) to avoid ban 16/04/2019 V13-5 : - add : settings by user (allows different GFX packs and mostly mods selection per user) 12/04/2019 V13-4 : - hot fix : during GFX update, the folder was not empty correctly 11/04/2019 V13-3 : - hot fix : still an issue handling GFX packs with multiple folders levels in filterGraphicPackFolder.bat - modifiy cemuHook install wizard 08/04/2019 V13-2 : - hot fix : handle GFX packs with multiple folders levels - add : text to browse folder widget - add : online setting display in wizardFirstSaving.bat - fix : Cancel choice repeated in setup.bat 08/03/2019 V13-1 : - hot fix : Cemu 1.15.3 fail to compute relative path for the symbolic link made on the GFX packs folder when the target is located on a different partition. It results in a GFX selection fucked up and a settings.xml corruption (empty nodes in GraphicPack) - fix : faulty GAMES_FOLDER folder computation in uninstall - add : check in Create*.bat if setup.bat was launched earlier and launch it if needed - fix : links in graphic packs folder of a game were not cleaned successfully - add : Graphic API option display in wizardFirstLaunch.bat 06/03/2019 V13 : - hot fix : shortcuts doesn't work for a windows OS with cmd extensions forced to disabled (even if registry says the reverse...) * full re-writing of all external calls (start command behavior is altered on such system) * force enabling extension inside cmd environnement (add a directive for that in all the code) - batchFw is now completly silent when launching games and create a log "shortcuted" in Wii-U Games\BatchFw On failure, batchFw's log is displayed. When CEMU's return code is <> 0, its log.txt is displayed. - add : script to monitor BatchFw execution, set launchGame.bat (and all its child processes) priority to high, define a timeout and propose to kill BatchFw if reached. - use message box instead of cmd console to display messages - add: ordered programs list to launch before CEMU (DS4, CemuGyro, speed hack ..) only if not already running if located in your games library (saving the path using environnement variable to keep portability) - you can ask BatchFw to close the third party software list in the reverse order in the setup.bat if you register at least one third party software - also create shortcuts to 3rd Party software - add: complementary check for detection cache corruption (backupN must always be greater than backupN-1) - fix : enlarge filter for detecting more mods (importModsForAllGames.bat) - fix : now you can cancel a folder selection dialog - create windowed OR fullscreen packs only (depending of your choice made for launching CEMU) : speed-up graphic pack completion - taken into account new variables in graphic packs (internalRes, dither, scaleShader) - add : script to reset BatchFw's settings to default - add : script to force graphic update and BatchFw's completion (if enabled) - add : script to import new games with theirs updates and dlc (if (update) and (dlc) folders are found, tidy all data under each game's folder to prepare the games for launching with BatchFw) - if DLC and update folder are found in your games folder, BatchFw will prepare the game for the emulation (ties DLC and UPDATE DATA in the game's folder) - remove useless script createMlc01FolderForNewGames.bat - enhance CEMU and CemuHook settings display in wizardFirstLaunch.bat - take into account new filters for UpscaleFilter and add DownscaleFilter - add : missing icon creation automatization with an onfly JPG to ICO conversion - add : an option to import mlc01 data from an external mlc01 folder in setup.bat - update text dialogs (thanks to TheMasterSimo for the translations) - add : check now if an graphic pack update is available when launching a game - BatchFw only install/update the GFX you need (for your games only) - use now separate archives for V2 and V3 GFX packs - do not mix links to V2 and V3 grapic packs anymore. Use only the suitable ones - install V2 GFX packs the first time a version < 1.14 is detected - setup.bat : Extract embeded V3 GFX packs archive only if no active connexion is found or if the update GFX process failed - update embeded GFX packs to v367 - add : online fix value in cap GFX created/completed - replace antrenamer with BRC64 - add : auto-update process - add : when a game is not listed in the internal database, add it to the database - add : script to import transferable cache file - fix : running as admin (use vbs also for browse dialogs) in case you want install shortcuts folder in specific location - fix : regression on 21/9, 48/9 and 4/3 GFX creation/completion 20/01/2019 V12-1 : - Minor fix : cemuHook settings was not displayed correctlty in wizardFirstLaunch.bat - Minor fix : remove the twice message in setup.bat - Add icons for : Pinball Arcade, Darts Up, Cube Life Island Survival, Coaster Crazy Deluxe - update GFX pack to 338 19/01/2019 V12 : - Restore executables creation - Now in setup.bat (installation and shorctut : "Wii-U Games\BatchFW\Register CEMU installs.lnk") - create BatchFw's users : add an optional arg to launchGame.bat allowing to handle multpile saves on a single player's game like BOTW - 2 levels of backup is applied to each user's save - Scripts for creating shortcuts or executable loop on users list to create a one more level folder using user's name in "Wii-U Games" - Add a script ImportSaves.bat and a shortcut to it in "Wii-U Games\BatchFW\Tools\Games's saves" - Automatization of the step need on each CEMU's update in setup.bat and child scripts that create shortcuts and executables : - get CemuHook if not found - launch a first time to download CemuHook's shaderFonts, set REGION and language in CEMU - Legacy option support for IGPU : shortcut's names for CEMU > 1.15 will be suffixed by -Legacy. And with -NoLegacy for earlier versions - wizardFirstRun.bat : - dump cemuHook and Cemu settings.xml (if they exists) - if CemuHook's timer is different than "Cemu default" check if CEMU's RDTSC timer is disabled in game's profile raise a warning otherwise (many games crash otherwise since 1.14) - it is now possible to loop on game's profile completion step to finalize it - ask fullscreen mode in createShortcuts.bat and createExecutables.bat - update embeded graphic pack folder to V320 - create windowed packs (full screen in windowed mode without streching) also for other aspects ratios than 16/10 11/01/2019 V11-4 : - fix BOTW's graphic pack's preset completion failure (taking heightfix var into account). If the res graphic pack for a game use a heightfix workaround, batchFw will recall you that you have to set it to 1 if black borders appears for the preset you choosen. 06/01/2019 V11-3 : - for NVIDIA users only : add the unexpected missing level GLCache in shaderCache\driver\nvidia 04/01/2019 V11-2 : - for NVIDIA users only : handle a different GLCache working directory for CEMU >= 1.15.1 (cache restore/backup process remain the same and still use one cache by game). now it's recommend to install CEMU on C: to keep the move operation instantaneous. - add an NTFS volume detection in setup.bat (as it uses symlinks, BatchFw will refuse to be installed on a non NTFS volume) - iGPU option noLegacy replaced by Legacy when running CEMU>=1.15.1 ([No legacy] is added to each shortcut's name for shortcuts created with CEMU>=1.15.1) 27/12/2018 V11-1 : - Now if a new game if added in your library, the mlc01 subfolder is created silently in the game's one. If want to launch a version earlier < 1.10 : copy the game's mlc01 subfolder in the Cemu's install - update the documentation 22/12/2018 V11 : - add a import Mods script (called in setup.bat) and a shortcut to run it. It ask for a mods source folder and copy all mods folders under each %GAME_FOLDER_PATH%\Cemu\mods (in the game concern, by using rules.txt titleId) - Rename embeded V2 graphic pack internal names in order to differenciate them on version of CEMU earlier than 1.14 - add a supplementary level of backup for saves and transferable cache : because the launch following the crash that have corrupted files (when you aknowledge the issue), backup files are replaced (lost) by the corrupt backup. - add the possibility to disable graphic pack creation/completion. You still can create graphic packs for a game using the shortcut "Wii-U Games\BatchFW\Tools\Graphic packs\Create game's graphic packs using its titleId.lnk" 2018/12/12 V10-8 : - complete informations displayed in the consoles - remove all flashing CMD consoles due to parallelizing processes - create 16/10 windowed graphic packs (or presets in V3) only if user choose to launch CEMU windowed during setup.bat - enhance launchGame.bat (reduce time to wait before launching CEMU) and clean its console's log - fix errors detected on V2 graphic packs created by BatchFW in createExtraGraphicPacks.bat - update embeded V3 graphic packs to v248 - remove timeout choice on settings items also in createShortcuts.bat - create Cemu/mods folder in createShortcuts.bat and invite user to move its mods in - uninstall.bat move mods folder founds under game's folder before deleting Cemu subfolder created initially by BatchFw 2018/12/05 V10-7-4 : - fix error displayed due to M&SRio2016 graphic packs (& is not allowed for dos expansion) Add antRenamer to be used for renaming graphic packs to avoid such issue 2018/12/02 V10-7-3 : - handle mods for games : - save your mods for each game under %GAME_FOLDER_PATH%\Cemu\mods they will be linked as graphic packs - junction link's name in %GAME_FOLDER_PATH%\Cemu\graphicPacks is prefixed with _mod_ - optimize the createGameGraphicPack script (parallelizing using a new script createV2graphicPacks.bat) - launching transferrable cache copy asynchronally and wait its end before launching CEMU (as done for the game's update graphic pack process) - add FPS value in the CEMU version's compatibility reports 2018/11/28 V10-7-2 : - fixed : update process broke BatchFw's V3 graphic packs (games not still supported in Slashiee's repo) 2018/11/25 V10-7-1 : - fixed : graphic packs not show in the wizardFirstRun 2018/11/24 V10-7 : - separate V2 and V3 graphic packs to avoid names conflicts and use links instead of duplicate graphic packs for each games in %GAME_FOLDER_PATH%\Cemu\graphicPacks (V2 graphic packs links are prefixed with V2_). Delete automatically brokens links and update them in case of a changing drive letter (if you have your games library on an USB drive). - enhance defaults graphic packs filters V2 & V3 - trace the last graphic pack version used for the game's (extra) graphic pack creation in the games library log's file - fix patching shader files from V2 graphic pack when native resolution of the game is 1080p - when launching a game, if no V3 graphic pack found for the game (game not supported in Slashiee repo) launching createGameGraphicPack.bat If at least one V3 pack is found retreive his build version from games library's log file and compare it to the last version downloaded. If different, call createExtraGraphicPacks.bat, delete all broken links under %GAME_FOLDER_PATH%\Cemu\graphicPacks and recreate links on newer packs - set no to default choice timeout for updating graphic pack folder - in setup.bat on the first launch (when BatchFW_readme.txt does not exist), update existing BatchFw tree in game's folder (looking for shaderCache and inGameSaves folder and propose to move it/overwrite in a Cemu subfolder or delete it) - added documentation on graphic packs handling 2018/11/09 V10-6 : - extend filters number in V3 graphic packs 2018/11/09 V10-5 : - create also extra graphic packs V3 with rounded resolutions taken into account and avoiding videos scenes 2018/11/09 V10-4 : - create new graphic packs V3 with rounded resolutions taken into account and avoiding videos scenes - new graphic packs (that not exist in Shlashiee repository yet) are now created with a list of titleId (not only yours) - don't create V3 FPS CAP anymore if an FPS++ gp is found (new FPS++ graphic pack define vsync value) 2018/11/06 V10-3 : - add last V2 graphic packs (v100) and v165 v3 ones in _BatchFW_Graphic_Packs.rar - move updateMySavedGraphicPacks.bat's call in updateGraphicPacksFolder.bat - flush all V3 graphic packs in _BatchFW_Graphic_Packs before updating (as recommended on Slashiee's website) 2018/11/01 V10-2 : - as V3 graphic pack update consist now in overwrite the file (not only replace stock GP as for V2 ones), forcing extra graphic pack creation when updating the graphic packs saved for a game (before updating) - remove V111 V3 graphic pack from batchFw files - "Wii-U Games\BatchFW\Register CEMU installs" shortcut (that call setup.bat in slient mode) also now ask (if needed) to update _BatchFW_Graphic_Packs folder 2018/10/31 V10-1 : - update graphic pack's URL for auto update process 2018/10/31 V10 : - new saved data architecture : only one "Cemu" folder in game's folder -> settings are saved with the relative path Cemu\Settings\!USERDOMAIN!\!CEMU_FOLDER_NAME! -> graphicPacks, controllerProfiles are not saved per version of CEMU anymore. Folders are created in Cemu game's sublfolder - create extra graphic packs only when launching the wizardFirstSaving.bat - now save graphic packs for a game (not per version of CEMU anymore) - update those game's graphic packs folders silently each time you update the _BatchFW_Graphic_Packs folder - re-check all scripts, remove regressions issues - add V111 v3 graphic packs release in resources/_BatchFW_Graphic_Packs.rar 2018/10/28 V9-12 : - remove pause in restoreTransferableCache + delete ShaderCache folder after moving transferable folder - redirect std_out & std_err of updateGP.ps1 - fix settings not saved (add settings.xml in the saved files list : settings were move from bin to xml files) - add GAME_FOLDER_PATH as second argument to updateMySavedGraphicPacks.bat to update only for one game - force to update saved graphic pack for the game after automatic settings import - force to update saved graphic pack after each graphic packs update 2018/10/27 V9-11 : - remove default choices and timeout in setup.bat (and set longer times in createShortcuts.bat) - fix non creation of V3 graphic pack for a game supported in V2 but absent from V3 slashiee packages (means that you can create V3 graphic packs for games that does not have V3 graphic packs yet and so that you're not be able to play on 1.14 at a different resolution than the native one) - fix non working disabling precompiled shader patch in game's profile 2018/10/26 V9-10 : - pre launch optimizations : -> ask if more than one user have to be handled in the setup.bat (on the first run only) : it avoid removing save and wait after uncompressing the current user's saves archive -> use symbolic links for graphicPacks and shaderCache\transferable CEMU's subfolders (handling the presence of unexpected links that could left after closing batchFW's console accidentally as there is no signals handling in batch scripting...) - in wizardFirstSaving.bat : fill the graphicPacks subfolder of settings folder with only the 16/9 and user defined ratios graphic packs - move extra graphic pack creation in wizardFirstSaving.bat and keep a createExtraGraphicPacks.bat call in launchGame.bat in the automatic import settings code, to create (if needed) new extra graphic pack in case of new "stocks" graphic packs were added in Slashiee repository - fix a bug in convertIconsForAllGames.bat - timeout 3sec for forceproiority.bat - fix presets order in V3 graphic packs - automatic import mode disabled by default - the graphic packs used and stored in settings folder are now filtered with only the desired aspect ratios - update documentation : -> remove references to executables ouputs, -> precise import settings limitation and workaround in case of issue -> graphic pack creation, use in batchFW - in uninstall.bat : -> if at least one mlc01 folder is found in games library, ask to remove all mlc01 game's subfolders (No by default) -> if at least one shaderCache folder is found in games library, ask to remove all shaderCache game's subfolders (No by default) 2018/10/16 V9-9 : - support for V3 graphic packs : -> gathering V2 & V3 graphic packs for the game -> complete/create resolutions and CAP FPS graphic packs (V2 and V3) - add a control in launchGame.bat that check if it is not already launched - when settings are imported, patching files for disabling precompiled cache before launching winMerge - modify CEMU's log shortcut (does not open notepad.exe anymore) : link directly to the file and so it will be openned with your text editor and you can access to cemu's install folder with a right click / open containing folder - ask screen mode during setup.bat (default after timeout is fullscreen) - reduce pre and post processings times : -> parallelize treatments -> use fnr.exe also for patching game's profile and cemuhook.ini (instead of using powershell script for replacing in files) - create restoreTransShadersForAllGames.bat and add a shortcut to it in Wii-U Games\BatchFW\Tools\Shaders Caches - uninstall.bat : add a call to restoreTransShadersForAllGames.bat - add icons for Angry Birds Trilogy, Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag, BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2 Future Legend of Rhythm Alien, Hurry Up Bird Hunter 2018/10/02 V9-8 : - add an argument to createExtraGraphicPacks.bat to be launched per game. - modify fps cap graphic pack creation : - for a 30FPS native game with a FPS++ pack provided, only create 150, 200% graphic pack (to speed-up menus for those games) - for a 30FPS native games without FPS++ provided : 110, 120 and 150% cap graphic packs - for a 60FPS native games : 105, 110 and 120 % cap graphic packs - activate the extra graphic pack creation in launchGame.bat (wizardFirstSaving.bat and also when automatic import settings is enabled) - add shortcuts to CEMU's log.txt for each version used. 2018/09/29 V9-7 : - FPS cap graphic pack : sync value computed in function of native FPS and presence of a FPS++ pack 2018/09/28 V9-6 : - re-write new game graphic pack creation (using native resolution) - create 105% 110% 120% and 200%(menu) cap graphic packs using native FPS of the game - ask for the output display ratio during setup and complete Slashiee package - supress executables creation until STEAM works again 2018/09/12 V9-5 : - auto-update now to the complete package of slashiee graphic packs (Uncommon) 2018/09/07 V9-4 : - modify create graphic pack creation - script to create 16/10 full screen in windowed mode graphic pack now create 1050p and 1200p 2018/08/27 V9-3 : - fix invisible 16-10 graphic packs due to an unexpected encoded format of the files created 2018/08/20 V9-2 : - check if a graphic packs update is available - add a script to create 16/10 full screen in windowed mode graphic packs - fix the createGraphicPack error when launched from shortcut - graphic packs detection in wizardFirstSaving wasn't done correctly 2018/08/18 V9-1 : - replace all more commands with type one (efegue bug) - fix working directory when using shortcut "Create CEMU's executables for selected games" 2018/08/16 V9 : - can now ouput executables that can be "shortcuted" by STEAM and so you can use all BatchFW features with launching from STEAM - automatic graphic pack update - auto-import settings from last version reset by default with comparing the two game's profiles lines side by side (if needed) - fix openGL Cache backup for AMD users (looking for a folder and nor for files in the GLCache folder) 2018/07/03 V8-6 : - secure game saves and transferable cache restore/save process in case of CEMU corrupts files - add winmerge in batchFW's ressources - in wizardFirstSaving : add the option to compare/edit/modify game's profile to an existant - update graphic pack (62) 2018/06/10 V8-5 : - remove the "EQU" message that appears when creating shortcuts with createShortcuts.bat - fix : when creating a new profile file (missing in CEMU), it was not deliver correctly to all version's of CEMU - fix an issue of transferrable cache backup when switching shader type (conventional/separable) for a same game on the same host 2018/06/07 V8-4 : - ignore precompiled shader cache is now only proposed to NVIDIA's GPU users - update for CEMU 1.12.1 - patch cemuHook.ini AND game's profile using a replace in file powershell command - propose to add -nolegacy option to cemu.exe for iGPU (Intel). Shortcuts created are named with a 'noLegacy' suffix. - updateMySavedGraphicPacks.bat : now also complete the graphic packs list with new ones found _BatchFW_Graphic_Packs - fix : optimized graphic packs detection/import for games that haven't a 1080p graphic pack folder failed. (now based on 540p pattern) - add icons for : Aqua Moto Racing Utopia, Mario Golf Advance Tour - update graphics packs to v45 - fix : switching between 2 hosts using differents shader mode conventional/separable 2018/05/25 V8-3 : - improve forbidden characters detection : - restrict the forbidden characters list to reserved characters for delayed variable expansion : &,!,% - detect and identify unexpected characters not handled by your system's charset (for example japeneese... characters) - improve renaming process (when possible) - check if cemu.exe is not still running in the background (can happen with crash) to avoid GLCache corruption issues 2018/05/23 V8-2 : - improve detection of forbidden characters in game's folder during setup.bat 2018/05/21 V8-1 : - fix automatic import settings always enabled 2018/05/17 V8 : - save one openGL cache per game under C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local^|Roaming\NVIDIA^|AMD\_BatchFW_CemuGLCache\GPU_VENDOR@DRIVERS_VERSION\!GAME_TITLE! as they are drivers dependants, leave them in this folder (erased when doing a full install) - ignore precompiled shader cache by default (after timeout) - if you chosen a partial drivers install (NVidia), detection of drivers upgrade (using GPU_VENDOR@DRIVERS_VERSION folder'a name) - breaking support for versions of CEMU earlier than 1.11 (before -mlc options). these specifics versions might be duplicated for each games you launch with. so assume that the version of cemuHook installed is at least (ignoring precompiled shader cache feature is available) - fix a bug when using batchFW without moving mlc01 data in game's folder (game was not launched) - update external graphic packs folder to 2-894 2018/05/08 V7-3 : - minimized all windows before launching CEMU in order to open it in foreground - use only ONE openGL cache for ALL versions of CEMU under C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local^|Roaming\NVIDIA^|AMD\_BatchFW_CemuGLCache - add the ignore precompiled shader cache option for each version of CEMU you install (dispatch to all games you play with) - delete deleteAllMyGLCacheBackup.bat, modifiy shortcut in createShortcuts.bat - when a CEMU path is no more valid, also delete the shortcut Delete my cemu_X.Y.Z's settings in Wii-U Games\BatchFW\Tools - update external graphic packs folder to 2-877 2018/05/03 V7-2 : - now check if cemu.exe is not already running in the background (open taskmanager and cancel launching game) - delete /b in start call for launching CEMU (foreground) 2018/05/02 V7-1 : - fix a bug that disable compatibility reports update - add a default value to "yes" with 6s timeout for flushing the GLCahe in createShortcuts.bat 2018/04/29 V7 : - automatic import is now disable by default - add support for 4 languages (ENG/GER/SPA/FR) by getting locale for host (used to set default answer to the "terminate process" question when closing a cmd windows with the mouse) - update external graphic packs folder to 2-873 - GLCache saving for each CEMU install for AMD, NVIDIA,... GPU : - OpenGL cache is searched as the first last modified GLCache folder from %USERPROFILE%\appData. So the folder's switches Local/Roaming and AMD/NVidia are handled. - OpenGL cache will be saved under CEMU_FOLDER\_BatchFW_GLCache\GLCache[GPU_VENDOR@DRIVERS_VERSION]\OGLCacheId after CEMU close - On launching a game, BacthFW check if a display drivers update was done (comparing versions) : - if a drivers's update is detected, you'll get a popup notification to warn you that BatchFW will try all the same the backup and recommend you to delete all GLCache saved for all version using the new shortcut created for that, if CEMU rebuild also its cache entirely. - creation of a link (junction) in %USERPROFILE%\appData\Local|roaming\Nvidia|AMD\GLCache\OGLCacheId to CEMU_FOLDER\_BatchFW_GLCache\GLCache[GPU_VENDOR@DRIVERS_VERSION]\OGLCacheId - On closing game : diff the GLCacheId - batchFW get the newOGLCacheId as last modified folder under GLCache. - if OGLCacheId changed, batchFW delete the backup in CEMU_FOLDER and save the new cache - unlinking junction - add a script and a shortcut to delete all GLCache saved : deleteAllMyGLCacheBackup.bat (also called by uninstall.bat) - add a script and a shortcut to delete GPU OpenGL Cache. - add a script and a shortcut to get all caches's folders sizes of all your CEMU installs. - optimize moves : check if data are located on the same drive. If they are, use move command instead of robocopy /MOVE - change the way log files are filled : - hostLogFile : removing double quotes in path, enabling its parsing - gameLibraryLogFile : always sorted by name (first string in a line is GAME_TITLE) - Host's log is now parse to get paths in - auto-delete invalid shortcuts that point to non existant CEMU_FOLDER path - CEMU_VERSION games compatbility report : add a column containing the row entry format expected when editing "Testing" section for a game @http://compat.cemu.info/ 2018/04/19 V6-3 : - support conventionnal shaders - now synchronised controller for CEMU_VERSION when importing settings fro a game - restoreMlc01DataForAllGames.bat mlc01 level fix - updateMySavedGraphicPacks.bat fix 2018/04/09 V6-2 : - CEMU graphic pack folder was not clear after closing CEMU - create a sortcut to example.ini file for each version - now systematically update saves graphic packs with external one (not only when import existing settings) 2018/04/09 V6-1 : - update graphic packs to 2-862 - add an argument to setup.bat and a create its shorcut - propose to open CEMU's version example.ini file in wizardFirstSaving to set game profile - Compatibility reports : fill additionnals notes with game version, dlc, and mostly settings defined in game's profile - fix a bug when calling ./tools/getTitleDataFromLibrary.bat directly 2018/04/08 V6 : - update documentation - add a systematic saving of emulatorSave files (old saves format) in order to avoid loosing them if you try to play a game (that you used to play on an old version) on a CEMU version newer than 1.11. To revert to your old CEMU version extract the saved file in your original folder (CEMU install one). - protect files on read only (to prevent some file editor from changing the encodeing format of files) 2018/04/06 V5-2 : minor fix - failed to save game saves and report comptability when not having mlc01 in the game's folder - add a subfolder USERDOMAIN in reports folder. Create a folder instead of shortcut for consult report. 2018/04/05 V5-1 : minor fix - game profile's shortcut creation was misplaced (move from createShortcuts.bat to launchGame.bat) That affect only missing game's profiles in CEMU subfolder. - add a script restoreMlc01DataForAllGames.bat to revert mlc01 data move (usefull only i have moved and not copied mlc01 data) - add an uninstall.bat script (calling restoreMlc01DataForAllGames.bat, deleteAllInGameSaves.bat and deleteAllMySettings.bat) - rename BatchFW folders (as graphic packs created, with _BatchFW prefix) - now synchronised controller Profiles folder between CEMU's version and _BatchFW_Controller_Profiles\USERDOMAIN (host depdendant) 2018/04/04 V5 : Install Icons automatically, open dialog boxes - now only the following characters are forbiden in paths : (,),&,%,£,! and ^ - improved specials characters support by : getting and setting the char code set of the host delay expansion in all code and closing variables visibility - open folder browsing dialog boxes - save / share controller profiles between all CEMU's version - add log files (one for games library and one by host) - add shortcuts to edit game's profiles of your games for each versions - missings games profiles created by BatchFW are shared by all CEMU's version in a _Missing_Games_Profiles subfolder - BatchFW no longer save game profile, for earlier versions than 1.16, new settings (GPU, CPU) are saved throught the settings.bin file - install icons automatically for 115 games (no matter the region is) - add a setup.bat that display documentation only one time and build BatchFW_readme.txt 2018/03/04 V4 : transferable shader cache moved to game folder to be shared by all host - analyse CEMU log after the first launch of the game following the first saving wizard for the game to get its shaderCache Id - addvShaderCacheId to the game's description file located under the game's folder - handle games's saves for CEMU version earlier of 1.11 (under mlc01/emulatorSave/shaderCacheId) - save transferable cache in game folder, checking its name and size : After CEMU stop, 4 cases are possibles : When CEMU's transferable cache file and saved cache file have the same name 1) CEMU's transferable cache file size > saved cache file size : nominal case, overwrite saved by moving CEMU file 2) saved cache file size > CEMU's transferable cache file size : import a transferable shader file right named (shaderCacheId.bin) or broken compatibility (its what happen if for example you try to import a cache file created with a CEMU version before 1.8 on a newer version) CEMU's transferable cache file and saved cache file have differents names : 3) CEMU's transferable cache file size > saved cache file size : rename the saved old one, move CEMU file for saving this one 4) saved cache file size > CEMU's transferable cache file size : case of upgrading a transferable shader file wrong named (its what happen if for example you try to import a cache file created from game with another region), or CEMU\_VERSION change the shaderCacheId you'll get a user notification for cases 2, 3 and 4. Files are automatically renamed before backup them. A log file indicating DATE, USER, and HOST, CEMU\_VERSION old and new ShaderCache Id ... is created. - search now games recursively (you can tidy your data the way you want in a game's folder) 2018/03/04 V3-1 : - fix no titleID found on game with name containing '.' - add tutorial video in archive 2018/02/25 V3 : - get GAME version in %MLC01_FOLDER_PATH%\usr\title\%beginTitleId%\%endTitleId%\meta\meta.xml else in %GAME_FOLDER_PATH%\meta\meta.xml - search if a DLC is installed for the game - analyse CEMU return code to set a CEMU_STATUS for the game (only 2 states : "Unplayable" cr != 0, "Loads" otherwise) - create/update automatically your own working games database %GAMES_FOLDER%\_Games_Compatibility_Reports\%USERDOMAIN%_working_games_list.csv containing a row per game with : Game Title;Cemu Version;OS Version;Region;CPU;GPU;Tester;Status;Additional Notes;title Id;Exist in WiiU-Titles-Library.csv;Game Version;DLC installed;Saves found - create/update automatically a %CEMU_VERSION% working games compatibility report %GAMES_FOLDER%\_Games_Compatibility_Reports\%USERDOMAIN%_%CEMU_VERSION%_games_compatibility_list containing a row per game with : Game Title;Cemu Version;OS Version;Region;CPU;GPU;Tester;FPS;Status;Additional Notes;title Id;Exist in WiiU-Titles-Library.csv;Game Version;DLC installed;Settings Saved;Saved found - those 2 files can be import in Excel and save as xls file to be filtered on each item. Columns 2-10 are those required for [official CEMU's game compatibility list](http://compat.cemu.info/) To update a game row in, simply delete the game's row - speed up saving game's saves process (launched now in backgrond without waiting after) 2018/02/20 V2-1 : fix and improve robustness with forbidden characters 2018/02/18 V2 : - insure CEMU's thread safing for BatchFW launches using a lock file created in CEMU's folder containing date, user and last game launched - add multi-user game's save support : using windows login : %USERNAME% assuming every user share all CEMU's settings * add backupAllInGameSaves.bat (replace backupInGameSaves.bat that now is called systematically by launchCemuGame.bat to update %GAME_FOLDER_PATH%\inGameSaves\%GAME_TITLE%_%USERNAME%.zip after closing CEMU) * when launching game, %GAME_TITLE%_%USERNAME%.zip is extracted into %MLC01_FOLDER_PATH% * backupAllInGameSaves.bat simply copy inGameSaves\%GAME_TITLE%_%USERNAME%.zip to inGameSaves\%GAME_TITLE%_%USERNAME%_%DATE%.zip - add updateMySavedGraphicPacks.bat to update graphic packs stored in CEMU settings of each game with _Graphic_Packs content (graphic packs are updated only if they're found in the 2 folders) - launchCemuGame.bat also update graphic packs saved in the settings folder for the game when importing existing settings from an other CEMU's version (older one generally) - add GPUBufferCacheAccuracy in the game profile if not found (otherwise saving GPUBufferCacheAccuracy won't work) - FIX a bug in backupInGameSaves.bat : compression was made not recursively (missing 'r' argument to rar.exe) - add titleId troubles handling in getTitleDataFromLibrary.bat and createGraphicPacks.bat : if no meta.xml file is found CEMU give a titleId BEGINNING with ffffffff if titleId found in meta.xml is not corresponding with the CEMU's one (what happen when overwriting game's file with a DLC instead of installing it at the right place in the mlc01 folder) CEMU give a titleId ENDING with ffffffff - tidy BatchFW shortcuts by category 2018/02/13 V1-2 : - add a script to create commonly used CEMU's graphic packs for a game given its titleId (can be used alone) Each graphic pack created define many filters in order to work for all games (because every game might have a different native resolution) - wizardFirstSaving (called only the first time to create settings for a game) now list availables graphic packs OR create missing ones automatically (after asking you to update them from https://slashiee.github.io/cemu_graphic_packs/) - in order to reduce CEMU's loading time (>30s), handle an external graphic pack folder under _Graphic_Packs scripts work also if you decide to keep yout graphic pack under CEMU's folder. - move files to a _CEMU_Batch_Framework subfolder - move shortcuts created for BATCH framework in BatchFW subfolders - create shortcuts for BATCH framework'tools : copyMlc01DataForAllGames.bat createGraphicPacks.bat deleteAllInGameSaves.bat deleteAllMySettings.bat getTitleDataFromLibrary.bat moveMlc01DataForAllGames.bat 2018/02/09 V1-1-1 : - add a script to get game's data (such as description, productCode, companyCode but mostly REGION of game) from internal resource database using its titleId. Called in wizardFirstSaving.bat (that now save a text file with game name in the game's folder containing those informations) and can be used alone (get user input throught DOS console in this case) 2018/02/07 V1-1 : - change icons - relative paths in zip files (inGameSaves) - convertIconsForAllGames.bat rename JPG file with GAME_TITLE 2018/02/05 V1-0-1 : - fix a bug on mlc01 folder handling. Now uses /mlc01/usr/*/*/titleid - add backupInGameSaves.bat 2018/02/01 V1-0 : First packaged version
Cemu Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Black Screen Patch Installed
Source: https://github.com/Laf111/CEMU-Batch-Framework/blob/master/Change.log
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